The Khomus in my life
I, Spiridon Spiridonovich Shishigin, was born on the first august,
1950 in the village of Tabaga in the Megino-Kangalassky District
of the Sacha Republic ( Yakutia ). The renowned smith S. I. Gogolev
lived in Tabaga, and almost every family had a khomus. When i was
ten years old, my older brother Alexei gave me a khomus. As often
as I could, I watched and listened to how the babushki played it;
right away I learned how to produce the different sounds.
Then I began to take part in concerts that were held in the school,
which helped with acquiring the elementary skills of playing the
khomus. I happened to hear on the radio a performance by Ivan Alexeyev,
an I began to devote myself more diligently, trying to play interestingly,
as well as with variety. Later, I acquired records of it, and learned
a new method from listening to the playing of present-day masters
of playing the khomus.
In 1968 I entered the Physics-Mathematics Department of the Yakutsk
State University. In my student years
I took part in and became a laureate of the festivals of amateurs
in the arts Friendship Days, in which students gathered
from the whole Soviet Union. Taking part in these festivals started
my creative concerns in playing the khomus; I spent much time in
playing the khomus, in inventing many new techniques, in extracting
from this marvelous instrument all sorts of new sounds.
It was just in those years that I became a prize-winner of the 5th
All-Union Festival of Young People and Students; just in those years
i met Ivan Alexeyev. Listening to his advice, I stopped being carried
away by outwardly attractive sounds, began to play more attention
to the substance of my playing, trying to convey through the medium
of the khomus ones emotional state to the listener.
I grew as a performer and stood on the next step of development
while playing as a member of the ensemble Algys under
the direction of Ivan Alexeyev, since to play in an ensemble in
much more difficult than to play alone, as it is necessary to have
a feeling for the emotional state of all the members of the ensemble
involved with everybody and to create a joint improvisation, and
in the ensemble the very best khomusists of that time played. In
the membership of the ensemble all of us became winners of the certificate
of the 12th World Festival of Young People and Students in Moscow;
three times we represented the art of playing the khomus as members
of the delegation of the republic in Moscow, in Bashkiria, and Ulyanovsk
and Irkutsk Districts, and became laureates of the First, Second,
and Third All-Union Festivals of Folk Creative Work.
graduating from the University, I became a teacher of mathematics
in the Khangalassky District, where I became acquainted with the
director of the amateur ensemble of folk dance Youth of Erkeeni,
V.E. Romanova. And I began, in my spare time, to go with this ensemble
as a guest in the District, Republic, and Union. I appeared in concerts
in the Buryat and Irkutsk Districts, and in the city of Magadan,
which helped me to decorated with the medal of the All-Union Central
Soviet of Professional soviets For Achievement in Amateur
Artistic Performance.
In 1987, as a member of the folklore and traditional culture group,
I took part in the informational-promotional events of the Ministry
of Culture of the USSR in countries of Western Europe(Switzerland,
France, West Berlin, the federal Republic of Germany, Italy). At
the time of these tours I came to understand that playing the khomus
had a great significance in the preservation of the culture of my
people. One of the organizers of the tour, Dr. Touma, said,
The greatness of a people is measured, not by the number of its
representatives, but by how that people preserves and hands down
from generation to generation its language and its culture.
After this trip I ceased to be simply a performer on the khomus,
and became a deliberate promoter of the art of playing the khomus.
I wrote more than 100 articles in various newspapers; I have three
books on the khomus and on khomus music. I took an active part in
the organization and carrying out of various events( competitions,
demonstrations) to promote this amazing instrument.

In 1988 I organized the first District Festival of Khomusiste, in
which more than ten ensembles took part; many of them have continued
to work at it, even to this day. In the all-Union scientific andapplied
conference The Trump: Problems and Perspectives, our
district took part as the largest group. At the present time in
the district, circles for khomusists are active in all the schools;
there are always more and more khomusists starting out in the district;
always new smiths are appearing. In 1991 I was one of the organizers
of the Second International Congress The Trump: Tradition
and the Present. I took part in the First International Festival
of Trumpists, and was one of nine laureates Virtuosos of
the World.
I participated in tour International Symposiums on Folklore and
Folk Music: in the city of Kyzyl in 1989 and 1992, in Alma-Ata in
1994, and Yakutsk in 1991. In 1995, I took part in the festival
Banlieues Bleues in Paris. I appeared in concerts in
France four times, in Austria twice, in Japan, Belgium, Holland,
Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and Poland. In 1995 I made a recording
of music on the khomus in the French-Russian film Shaman.
Compact discs have come out in Paris, Tokyo, Austria, Germany, and
the following time I have been studying traditional culture and
folklore; I occupy myself with khomus therapy; I study the medical
properties of khomus music, participating in the work of the self-regulation
club under the direction of the folk heater K. I. Maximova, working
in the center of traditional medicine of the Khangalassky District
jointly with the physicianbioenergotherapist G. I. Trofimova.
My wife Gera Afanasevna Shishigina is a teacher of physics
and psychology. My son Afanasii is a police officer; my dauphter
Mariya is a third-year student in the Departament of Foreign Languages
at the Yakutsk State University. In 1973 I worked as a teacher of
mathematics; from 1985 as a teacher of information science; since
1991 I have worked as Director of the Pokrovsk Middle School 1 in
Pokrovsk, Khangalassky District, Sakha Republic.
I serve as an adjunct member of the Board of the International Center
for the Study of Khomus Music in Jakutsk.
( Translated by
Frederick Crane) VIM -7 1998
